ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA are seeking comments to help shape the technical requirements in Standard 90.1 is being sought through 21 proposed addenda, which could become part of the 2010 standard.
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, provides minimum requirements for the energy-efficient design of buildings except low-rise residential buildings.
The proposed addenda cover a range of topic areas, including daylighting, air leakage, EER and IEER values and requirements for VRF air conditioners and heat pumps. "Our goal is to produce a standard to increase energy efficiency in buildings," Mick Schwedler, Standard 90.1 committee chair, stated. "Public input from the industry into development of the standard has proven invaluable since it was first published 35 years ago."
If no comments are received on the addenda, they likely will be incorporated into the 2010 version of the standard slated to be published this fall. If comments are received, the substance and volume of those comments will determine whether they are incorporated into the 2010 standard.
Among the proposed addenda are two that deal with daylighting. Addendum cu, which would control the "night lights" that are part of the emergency system when there are no occupants in the space. Today, generally by default, lights are kept on even if buildings are unoccupied. Therefore, there are savings to be realized by shutting them off. Addendum ct would reduce the threshold for daylighting to 250 sq.ft. from 1,000 sq. ft.
In another area, addendum bu would modify computer room efficiency requirements based on comments from an earlier public review. "The 90.1 committee worked closely with manufacturers, designers and owners of computer rooms to address comments and produce the language in this addendum," said Drake Erbe, Mechanical Subcommittee chair.
The link below provides a listing of all proposed adenda.