How Many Lives Did You Save? Tell Us Your Tales of The Great Freeze of 2014!

Jan. 7, 2014
The Great Freeze of 2014 was a shining moment for the HVAC industry.

As I am writing this it is two degrees below zero outside my window, with a wind chill that makes it feel like -27.  We in Cleveland — like many people across the Eastern half of the country — are locked deep in the grip of the Great Freeze of 2014. Even the snow on the ground is frozen. That’s cold.

I was corresponding with a friend, and he said this:

“Are you spending today writing about how heroic HVAC people are keeping millions from freezing to death? I'll bet there are a lot of great human interest stories there.”

I’ll tell you, out of the mouths of babes . . .

Like most people, I was sitting here, caught up in the day-to-day crush of things I have to get done, not really thinking about what a shining moment this is for our industry. How many people are warm and comfortable — heck, how many are alive! — right now because of all the great manufacturers, engineers, contractors, technicians, and support people in the HVAC industry. How about tens of millions?

So, first of all, a big congratulations and an even bigger thank you!

Next, send me your stories about how you handled The Great Freeze. How did it affect your business? How many lives did you save? I’ll share your stories with the rest of the industry. Hmmm . . . maybe I’ll compile them and post them in another blog in June, when we’re all wearing shorts and worried about our golf scores . . .