Tom Casey, Jr.'s Climate Partners website generated 108 qualified leads in June. As of July 25, that number is at 84. That's not visits or contacts, but people who have filled in a form to be contacted, or called the office to set up an appointment.
For two of his contractor clients, that number is at 123 and 174, respectively.
His message: Your HVAC business website might look great, and have the most amazing graphics, but if it's not generating leads and making money, it's worthless.
Casey will show HVAC and plumbing contractors how to turn their websites into lead-generating machines during his presentation — "A Good Website = 50 Leads Per Month" — at Comfortech 2016, Sept. 19-22 at the Philadelphia Convention Center.
During his Comfortech presentation, Casey will dissect many key website principles: traffic generation, site conversion, search engine optimization, optimizing offline marketing online, and more. He'll also explain the impact of what he calls "hyper-local" content, to turbo-charge results.
Tom Casey, Jr. is chief quality officer at Climate Partners, Milford, CT, a multi-generation company in existence since the early 1900s. Climate Partners has won multiple Quality Home Comfort Awards, for excellence in efficient home HVAC installations. The business is still going strong, but Tom currently resides in Saint Johns, Fla., where he monitors the business, and serves as a "Comfort Jedi" consultant to HVAC businesses.
Casey says he's seen contractors fork over lots of money, for lots of promises, and not get the leads they were told their website would generate.
"There's a saying that goes, 'If you can afford the solution, then you don't have a problem.' And I think, as contractors, that's how we approach websites: I’m paying somebody $20,000 to renovate my website…throwing money at the problem…but the question is IS IT WORKING? The overwhelming response I hear is NO," he says.
"My view of the website is simple: its purpose is to help you make money. The mission of your business is not to improve the world or make it greener, or to get and keep customers, but to make money. And that's done by motivating somebody to pick up the phone and call. That's the sum and substance of the business."
Casey says many HVAC or plumbing contractors consider their company websites to be nothing more than electronic brochures that only serves to show visitors that it exists. But that website splash page will not make the phone ring if that's its only purpose.
"We’re going to talk about how to get conversions —which will be your calls to action — how your site builds trust and credibility, the importance of making your website iphone friendly, and many other ways to keep seekers on your website, and not do anything that will take them to one of your competitors."