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Zurn Water Solutions and Elkay Manufacturing Complete Merger

Aug. 30, 2022
Zurn Elkay’s product portfolio includes a high-performing package of hygienic and hands-free solutions that will help bring schools up to today’s health standards.

Milwaukee, WI -  Zurn Water Solutions and Elkay Manufacturing have combined to create Zurn Elkay Water Solutions, now one of the largest providers of water management solutions sources say are designed to improve health and the environment. The combined company reportedly offers the most comprehensive product portfolio for vertical segments providing water quality and water conservation solutions to critical areas including education and healthcare.

With a mission focused on healthier hydration and hygiene, reliable water has never been more important than it is today, sources say. Zurn Elkay will continue to focus on the health of children in schools by encouraging the use of Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds to provide healthier, more hygienic solutions to their students. As a part of the American Rescue Plan (ARP), ESSER provides funding to support the safe, hygienic reopening and operations of schools following the COVID-19 pandemic. Zurn Elkay’s product portfolio includes a high-performing package of hygienic and hands-free solutions that will help bring schools up to today’s health standards.
