Owners of contracting businesses likely know just how important regular HVAC inspections are. However, customers may not realize just how essential these inspections can be.
The Orange County Register responded to a letter from someone who asked if they “really need to have my air conditional and furnace each checked separately each year.” In reply, Angie Hicks said it’s a better idea to have inspections for both the furnace and air conditioner six months apart.
Top-rated HVAC pros our team interviewed note that even if your air conditioner and furnace are separate appliances, they likely share many components, such as wiring and ductwork. So although a technician will focus on your furnace at this time of year and the A/C in spring or summer, he or she can uncover problems in shared elements at any visit. For instance, one HVAC pro told us he examines the evaporator coil each time he’s at a home for a routine inspection.
Experts say it’s not wise to go too long between checkups. One pro likened trying to save money by skipping or consolidating HVAC inspections to driving your car extra miles between recommended oil changes. You might see some short-term financial gain with no apparent issues, but you also run the risk of long-term loss if something goes wrong.
Read the rest of Hicks’ response at the OC Register’s website and remember to remind your customers when it comes time for an HVAC inspection. You may be surprised by how many forget or do not think it’s important.