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Is Your HVAC Company Booming or Busting?

April 2, 2020
Under similar challenging circumstances, boom companies charge forward, while bust companies start the day defeated.

At National Comfort Institute (NCI), we’re fortunate to be in close contact with so many of you. Thank you. Recent conversations reveal how you and your competition are doing during this season of change. Let’s take a look at why some companies are booming and others are busting, even though both companies are in similar circumstances

The Boom - Bust Cycle
Mother Nature may be the best teacher of how this timeless cycle works. Buffalo thrive, or boom, in the summer when food is abundant, and weather is mild. Then they starve, or bust, in winter when food is limited. Wolves, on the other hand, starve, or bust, in the summer. They boom or thrive in winter when their prey slows down and becomes weak.

Notice their seasons are opposite: buffalo boom in summer when wolves bust. Wolves boom in winter when buffalos bust. These same cycles and principles apply to HVAC companies and careers.

HVAC Company Boom or Bust
Fortunately, our capabilities are not limited to nature’s cycles. We have much more to work with than animal instincts and impulses. 

Boom companies have developed cultures that adapt to unexpected circumstances. When change materializes, they are prepared to launch into new opportunity, make changes quickly, and seize the moment.

Boom companies have developed cultures that adapt to unexpected circumstances. When change materializes, they are prepared to launch into new opportunity, make changes quickly, and seize the moment.

When such a company faces mild weather, a pandemic, or tanking economic indicators, they have what it takes to respond. The people, patterns, and habits are already powered-up and ready for deployment to adapt to any challenges they face. 

Other companies, perhaps those currently experiencing bust, believe their only options are driven by the weather. This style of leadership may be a defining characteristic of companies that are paralyzed by current world conditions. Bust companies act as though they’re buffalos who starve every winter. Many haven’t embraced their ability to adapt and change with the conditions around them.

Remember boom and bust represent opposite ends of a spectrum. Every company will experience boom and bust moments; we all have our ups and downs. It’s the culture of a company, revealed over the long haul that determines how quickly they turn opposition into opportunity.

I’ve found it interesting that many owners, managers, and employees DO quickly adapt their attitudes and work ethic to match their company’s prevailing mindset, no matter what that is. A crisis reveals a company’s true nature. Circumstances are so unfortunate right now, but they also provide an opportunity to assess your company and make needed changes. 

Bust Company Characteristics
To discover bust tendencies that need to be corrected, look around for a few days. The tell-tail signs of defeat may be all around, but you haven’t noticed them. You have become accustomed to them.

With the challenges we’re all facing, the bust tendencies are now magnified and may be easier to see and correct.

In a bust company, leadership actions are rash, such as cutting costs, rather than concentrating efforts to earn new work and produce a new income stream.

Here are some bust indicators to find and eliminate:

•  You focus on today’s dangers, rather than opportunities (See last Falke HotMail article HERE)

•  Your leadership may appear as if you are defeated. Unknowingly, you may be leading your company toward bust

•  You look back at how things were, instead of how they are, and what they could become

•  Your actions are rash, such as cutting costs, rather than concentrating efforts to earn new work and produce a new income stream.

•  There’s an overall unwillingness to learn about and adapt to customer’s current thinking and needs.

Solutions for these negative tendencies are found in the positive actions of boom companies.

Boom Company Behaviors
Boom companies confront the same obstacles facing bust companies. The secret is in their attitude and approach.

Today as I spoke with several boom contractors, I heard words like “…things are opening up” from each of them. This quote indicates changes they’ve implemented to meet changing conditions are being positively received by customers and are paying off.  

Here are a few boom indicators to identify and magnify:

•   You are fully engaged in positive leadership. You are out and about encouraging the troops

•   Optimism is your prevailing attitude. Heaven knows pessimism is all around us and it takes work to generate and maintain optimism.

•   You are squaring off and addressing hard issues, rather than ignoring them.

•   New activity abounds. Activity begets activity. Increasing activity has an entrainment effect (sorry, I just had to mention airflow). Positive activity causes everyone around to engage in more positive activity.

Consistent Booming
While we all stagger back and forth between boom and bust – the top prize goes to those who are consistent. 

Regardless if yours is a booming or busting company, your next step is to create activity that will provide what your customers’ need today. The principles that caused your company to boom a month ago, remain true. However, your approach and actions must align with and greet today’s opportunities, so you can continue to boom.

Rob “Doc” Falke serves the industry as president of National Comfort Institute, Inc., an HVAC-based training company and membership organization. To share your ideas and successes, contact Doc at [email protected] or call him at 800-633-7058. Go to NCI’s website at for free information, articles, and downloads.