It was a dark and stormy morning. I was on my way to work. I spotted an HVAC service van. It was pulling into a gas station. Hmm . . . must've needed some gas.
Still, I was perplexed. The white vehicle displayed only a company logo and HVAC license number. It was a total waste of ad space: no phone number, no address, no city, no service area, no website url, no mission statement, no product branding (private label or otherwise), no years in business, certifications, accreditations, awards, favorite color, favorite movie. . . you get the picture.
Any other driver or pedestrian in need of an HVAC contractor might call this company, after finding them on the Internet. I found them, and their website is pretty good. But, they're a commercial company, which also wasn't advertised on the vehicle.
What does a logo and HVAC license number tell you about a company? Not much.
To paraphrase "War" by Edwin Starr:
"Bare trucks, huhhh, yeah!
What are they good for?
Absolutely nuthin'!
Say it again!"
What's your opinion on using truck advertising to at least get the phone to ring? Let me know, when you have a minute . . .