Recommitting to Your HVAC Business Growth

Oct. 24, 2012
Is it recommitment or change that needs to happen in 2013? It’s time to make decisions on leadership style, business operations, and employee enrichment.

Is it recommitment or change that needs to happen in 2013? It’s time to make decisions on leadership style, business operations, and employee enrichment.

Leadership style: Do employees have to adjust to your leadership style, or is your company culture truly integrated? If employees have to adapt to your style, consider making a change that allows you to be more in tune with your employees. Leadership is the most important factor in a winning organization and relating to employees is paramount.

Efficient business operations: Before making changes, make sure current processes are being fully executed (if they’re working for you). This prevents making change for change’s sake.

Employee enrichment: In order to have a flourishing business, the employees must be part of the direction that the business owner wants to go. Create a checklist of employees who need training and evaluate individuals for overall work performance and attitude (be sure to keep up the morale in the process).

Mike Moore is the HVAC Training Director at HVAC Learning Solutions, an HVAC industry expert in sales, technical, and business training. Visit Mike’s blog for more insights. Mike can be reached on Twitter @hvaclearning or on Google+ at