The National Standard Plumbing Code (NSPC) committee, recently approved significant changes to the NSPC code.
During a public hearing, the committee reviewed and voted on 125 proposed code changes to the 2006 edition of the NSPC. The changes that were approved will appear in the 2007 Supplement to the 2006 NSPC.
NSPC Chairman Dick Wagner said that one of the most significant changes to the code involved adding an appendix that greatly expands the listings of water supply fixture units (WSFUs) and their corresponding water supply flow rates (GPM), making interpolation unnecessary.
Wagner pointed out that one of the advantages of the NSPC is that it is updated by a supplement or a new edition of the NSPC annually so that it reflects the latest in plumbing design and construction. Other codes are updated on three-year cycles.
This concluded the 2006 cycle for the NSPC and the committee was praised for another smooth code hearing process.
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