York International Corporation’s Unitary Products Group (UPG) has launched a commercial products trailer that will visit York®, Coleman‚ and Luxaire‚ distributors and their customers throughout the United States. The combination box truck and trailer displays graphics on the truck’s exterior walls that celebrate the company’s 130-year history. Inside, the box truck features four 21-inch flat screen monitors and eight speakers that tell the Simplicity™ Controls story, including ease of set up, programming and monitoring, in a continuous loop multimedia presentation. Graphics on the interior walls depict commercial buildings. Simplicity control boards mounted to these buildings simulate the way in which Simplicity controls communicate with all York Unitary Products Group (UPG) light commercial products. Two large garage doors on the attached trailer open to reveal a 25-ton and a 10-ton gas electric commercial unit. The commercial units have plexi-glass cut-a-ways to expose various working components, i.e. blower housing, a compressor and electric box. The 25-ton unit includes a powered GFI outlet, while the 10-ton unit features a non-powered GFI outlet. “The commercial products trailer is designed to familiarize engineers with York UPG’s commercial equipment and define the benefits that York UPG’s equipment brings to them and to their customers,” explained Sandra Allen, York marketing specialist. “The mobility of the unit enables distributors to take the product directly to engineering firms and demonstrate the capabilities of featured York UPG equipment. Distributors are on hand to answer questions and furnish equipment specification kits.” York UPG’s commercial products trailer is available upon request to all York UPG distributors. To date, the trailer has traveled to Tampa and Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.; Baltimore, Md.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Columbus, Cincinnati and Cleveland, Ohio; Las Vegas, Nev.; Louisville, Ky.; Milwaukee, Wis.; Detroit, Mich.; and Chicago, Ill.