HVACR contractors attending the 61st Annual AHR Expo at Chicago’s McCormick Place are seeing more ‘green’ products than ever before.
More than 1,900 exhibitors from around the world showcasing hundreds of innovative new products to over 50,000 attendees and exhibitor personnel. HVACR professionals from more than 120 countries will have the opportunity to experience the latest products, technologies, solutions, and services from every segment of the industry. Building on the success of the 2008 AHR EXPO’s ‘Green’ theme, the 2009 Show will once again have a special focus on sustainable products and technologies.
A wide range of expanded pavilions and educational sessions will provide professionals important insights into the constantly changing industry. Industry veterans will offer valuable perspectives on the new trends and practices that will influence the HVACR industry over the next few years. Additionally, many exhibitors will showcase advancements in ‘Green’ technologies as well as emerging segments of the HVACR marketplace.
The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) reports that more than half of the show’s exhibitors are promoting green or sustainable products. ASHRAE also reports that 91% would like to see government incentives for energy-efficient products.
In addition to 30 educational sessions and workshops offered by the ASHRAE Learning Institute, 29 free sessions will be presented by 18 associations during the 2009 AHR EXPO (www.ahrexpo.com). The free sessions include:
- Using Technology to Create Sustainable Green Buildings (AHR)
- SMACNA/ANSI HVAC Duct Construction Standard (SMACNA)
- Indoor Air Quality & The Built Environment (HRAI SkillTech Academy)
- Training Your Technicians (RSES)
- System Operating Costs and Duct Leakage (SPIDA)
- GridWise and the Nation’s Carbon Footprint (GWAC)
- Maximizing System Performance with Condensing/Noncondensing Boilers (ABMA)
- Energy Economics in Your Buildings (AHR)
- Hydronic Radiant Control Strategies (RPA)
- HVAC/R Education & Training: Important Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (AHRI)
- Labeling Fans for Energy Efficiency (AMCA)
- Green Buildings, BIM and Evolving Energy Standards (IEC)
- Emission Reductions Using Combustion & Post Combustion Processes (ABMA)
- Plan and Spec Representative/Manufacturer Relations (HARDI)
- B2G – Building to Grid – and the Next Frontier for BACnet (GWAC)
- Saving Energy Through Proper Air Filtration (NAFA)
- Requirements of the Technical Commissioning Process (NEBB)
- SMACNA/ANSI Seismic Restraint Standard (SMACNA)
- “Building to Grid:” Enabling Buildings to Trade Their Energy (AHR)
- Best Ventilation Practices for High Performance Homes (HVI)
- Wireless Sensors and Control Networks (ZigBee Alliance)