Make it a Movember to Remember by Supporting Men’s Health

Nov. 12, 2013
Have you noticed any new mustaches sprouting around town? They could be for a good reason and a good cause, part of men's health month in "Movember."

Does your company (like the New York Yankees) have a policy against facial hair? If so, you might want to consider giving that policy a rest in November and allowing your male employees to show their support for man’s health issues by growing a “mo” (short for moustache) during “Movember.” 

Movember is an international movement to raise funds and awareness to combat prostate cancer and testicular cancer, and to assist men who are having mental health challenges.

The Movember movement began in 2003 in Melbourne, Australia, and since then has grown to become a global movement, inspiring more than three million “Mo Bros” and “Mo Sistas” to participate across 21 countries worldwide. In 2012, the movement raised $147 million (U.S.) globally, with $21 million of that coming from the United States.

Of course, there’s more to Movember and men’s health than just growing a moustache! To find out how to get involved, visit the organization’s website:

Men are often “too tough” or too busy to pay proper attention to their health. But awareness, education, and early detection are all important. If the moustache on the face of one of your technicians starts a dialogue, it might help save a life. Go Mo in Movember!