Last night was opening night at the 2013 MSCA conference. As a keynote event the comedy duo known as The Passing Zone performed. When I first read about what the keynote event would be, I was like "really..juggling?" I wondered if they could really pull off entertaining a room full of mechanical contractors with a juggling act.
Well, they actually did. These two guys performed a great comedy show and a really impressive juggling act. They themed their show with the acronym I.C.E. delivering a message of how they use Innovation, Collaboration and Execution during their act and relaying how we use it in everyday work and life. If they dropped a pin while juggling, they couldn't stop everything and pick it up. They continued keeping the other pins in the air and with the help of the other partner, was able to pick up the pin and keep going. They took risks by adding difficult challenges into their act like juggling with rat traps strapped to the pins. If that wasn't enough, they called up's commercial contractor of the year, Dick Starr, and had him lay on stage while one guy juggled the rat trap rigged pins, and the other guy jumped over both Starr and the other juggler without missing a beat! Very impressive!
How do you balance work/life? Do you take challenges head on? It's not always the easiet thing to do, but as The Passing Zone showed us last night, it pays off in the end.