Commercial School Projects Will Cool Down Summer
September Construction Employment Rose by 25K
When to Start Worrying About Your Backlog
US DOE to Present Awards for Rooftop HVAC Excellence
Editor's note: Today, we welcome a new contributor to Contracting Business — Mr. Brad Telker of cfm Distributors, Inc.— who has graciously granted us permission to publish his fine articles on a variety of HVACR technical topics.
The answer to this question is pretty obvious: it depends. Since we are always conscience of your time, we will assume that chilled water is required for your project. Chilled water could be required for a number of reasons: a chilled water system already exists, the project is a process application that requires chilled water, the owner is just a raving fan of H2O- the lists goes on. Okay, now that we are focused on chilled water only, we have a bunch of chiller options to choose from.
CLICK THROUGH THE GALLERY to see the various chiller options.