Columbus, OH - In October, for the first time, HARDI presented a detailed analysis of this year's results of the annual profit report, conducted every summer based on financial data submitted by distributor membership. The analysis included specific strategies for increasing distributor profitability and was led by Dr. Al Bates of the Profit Planning Group in Boulder, CO.
As a benefit for participating in this year's profit report, the live teleseminar was open only to those companies who contributed data in 2006; however, the program has been made available to the entire HARDI membership.
In 2006, HARDI distributors experienced their third consecutive year of profit margin growth but, that being said, barely exceeded three percent net profit margins. Compared to the restaurant industry (8.3 percent), technology (15 percent) and software (21.6 percent) as reported by Reuters Fundamentals, HARDI distributors have a lot of work to do not only to justify additional investment, but also to attract new talent into the distribution industry.
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