Portland, OR — Three North American HVAC distributors — Behler-Young Company, C.C. Dickson Co. and Temperature Equipment Corporation — have chosen to partner with AirAdvice, Inc., making the AirAdvice® HVAC-AIQ™ Program a key component of plans to help their contractors increase sales and improve profit margins by tapping into the rapidly growing indoor air quality (IAQ) market.
Recently, AirAdvice increased the IAQ support services available to its HVAC contractor network by expanding its coaching and sales support teams. Promotions, new hires and recent certifications in the AirAdvice coaching and sales support teams include: Tom Baxter, Clair Betteridge, Eric Cooper, Seth Curl, Briana Faris, Amy Mann and Keith McCormick.
“We're always listening to our contractors and to what's going on in the market in order to help them grow,” said Vicki Bosama, product manager for Behler-Young. “We feel strongly that IAQ is going to add to their bottom line and that the AirAdvice program is the tool that opens that door for them.”
The latest AirAdvice IAQ diagnosis and recommendation technology is the AirAdvice® SmartIAQ™ Report. Input from more than 1,500 AirAdvice HVAC contractors and their customers helped shape the report's new look and function.
Like the original, the SmartIAQ Report shows homeowners the results of time-based AirAdvice IAQ testing performed inside their home and presents finding in three categories — health, comfort and safety.
For more information on the AirAdvice HVAC-IAQ Program or the SmartIAQ Report, visit www.airadvice.com.