Membership Meeting Minutes

Feb. 1, 2006
Membership Meeting Minutes Tuesday, Nov. 1, 20057:30 a.m.- 9 a.m.Marriott Desert RidgePhoenix, AZ Officer Reports President Randy Tice called the meeting

Membership Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2005
7:30 a.m.- 9 a.m.
Marriott Desert Ridge
Phoenix, AZ

Officer Reports

President Randy Tice called the meeting to order at 8 a.m. It was noted for the record that a quorum of members was present for the meeting.

President's Report

During the Plenary Session, President Tice delivered the State of the Association report on Monday, Oct. 31, 2005. Copies of the presentation are available upon request from the HARDI office.

Treasurer's Report

Treasurer Randy Boyd reported his examination of the association's financial review prepared by the accounting firm of Schneider, Link and Co., which revealed the financial affairs of the association to be in good order.


President Tice appointed Former President Frank Meier as Nominating Committee Chair. Meier identified the other committee members as former President Doug Young and Supplier Committee Chair John Lawler. Additionally, the board members completing their terms also serve on the committee — Director Andrew Larson, Central Region; Director Jim Luce, Mid-Atlantic Region; and Director Richard Foster, supplier adviser. Meier then conducted the open election of regional directors, advisers and officers.

Directors are elected to serve a three-year term in the open positions.

According to HARDI bylaws, at the conclusion of the president's term of office, the president-elect succeeds to the position of resident, and the president assumes the post of immediate past president of the board. Accordingly, President-elect Bill Shaw of Standard Supply & Distributing Co. of Dallas, TX, became the 2006 HARDI president and Randy Tice the immediate past president.

In accordance with the bylaws, the Nominating Committee submitted the following candidates to the membership to fill the vacant board positions:

Central Region Director — Ron Mackiewicz, Climatic Control Co., Milwaukee, WI

Mid-Atlantic Region Director — Arthur Franklin, S. Franklin & Son, Fairfield, NJ

Supplier Adviser — Leslye Sandberg, Permatron Corp., Elk Grove Village, IL

The above slate of director candidates was elected unanimously by their respective constituency.

Also, elected as officers (through the 2006 Annual Fall Conference) are Secretary/Treasurer: William Barnett, Boutette & Barnett Trade Distribution Centre, London, ON; Vice President: Randy Boyd of A/C Supply Co., Fort Worth, TX; and President-elect: Mark Faessler of Progress Supply Inc., Cincinnati, OH.

The Committees and Councils presented their Reports to the Industry which are reproduced in HARDI Distribution Today and posted on the HARDI website.

There being no further business to come before the membership, former President Meier adjourned the meeting at 9:15 a.m.