RSI Brings Home Energy-Efficient Fresh Air

June 1, 2008
With the introduction of the RAVE residential Energy Recovery Ventilation (ERV) unit, Rooftop Systems, Inc., brings a new level of control to eco-conscious

With the introduction of the RAVE residential Energy Recovery Ventilation (ERV) unit, Rooftop Systems, Inc., brings a new level of control to eco-conscious homeowners who want to reduce their impact on the environment and maintain a comfortable lifestyle.

Many homeowners are now taking steps to make their homes meet more stringent energy efficiency expectations. As a result, homes are more tightly sealed. While this creates the opportunity to realize greater efficiencies, it also has the unwanted effect of trapping in pollutants like odors and bacteria.

Using a patented wheel technology, the RAVE provides homeowners with a comfortable indoor environment of fresh, healthy air. The specially designed wheel within the RAVE rotates between incoming and outgoing air streams. This helps exhaust stale air while simultaneously introducing fresh air into the home. During recycling, harmful contaminants, such as chemicals, radon, odors, formaldehyde, viruses and bacteria, are removed from the air. Engineered to use standard pleated filters, the RAVE can remove airborne particles as small as 5 microns.

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