As a member of HARDI you know the benefits of belonging. You know the proven benefits of active involvement. Do your peers?
If each HARDI member reaches out to one person/company (or more!) that they know in the industry and personally invites them to a HARDI function or to join HARDI membership, it will make the association and industry stronger.
All it takes is one!
Your first opportunity for Each One Reach One is to bring a prospect (or less than active member) to the HARDI Icebreaker and HARDI booth (#3266) so they can see firsthand what HARDI has to offer them and benefit their business. (And when you sponsor a new HARDI member, you benefit financially! Contact HARDI to find out how.)
CLICK HERE to download the HARDI Icebreaker registration form or CLICK HERE to register on line.
CLICK HERE for more HARDI Expo details including how to arrange a meeting or reception at the Crowne Plaza (HARDI's host hotel.)
Please return the following ribbon order forms to HARDI by Friday, Jan. 15th.
Wholesalers: CLICK HERE to download an order form for your HARDI Member ribbons (to wear on your AHR Expo badge through the week.)
Suppliers: CLICK HERE to download an order form for your HARDI Member ribbons (to wear on your AHR Expo badge through the week) and Proud HARDI Member booth table-tent. (New this year!)