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HVACR Distribution Business - March 2012

March 26, 2012
When it Comes to Refrigerants, DuPont Leads the Way
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HVACR Distribution Business eNews
The latest information for HVACR wholesalers and distributors

March 21, 2012


When it Comes to Refrigerants, DuPont Leads the Way

The modern age of refrigeration began in the early 1930s when DuPont and General Motors combined their resources to develop Freon® as a fluorocarbon refrigerant that was safer and more effective than toxic alternatives. The production of Freon® 12 soon reached commercial quantities, and it gained broad acceptance throughout the refrigeration industry. Over the years, DuPont continued to bring forward innovations in commercial refrigerants, including R-11, R-114, R-113 and R-22.

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Introducing the All-New Rheem Academy Knowledge is power which is why Rheem is proud to offer you and your customers hands-on, results-driven courses from our top-notch trainers. Build customer loyalty by offering contractors multiple levels of HVAC technical courses and provide your employees an opportunity to grow with our multi-track Distributor Territory Management courses.Learn more today about our convenient online and in-person options. Rheem Mfg. Co.

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Versatile New Pex Stapler for Wood or Foamboard

Designed for use with in-floor radiant heating installations, this easy-loading and portable stapler, with magazine feed, operates from a standing position to quickly secure a layout of PEX pipe (polyethylene cross-linked tubing) to a wooden sub-floor or foamboard base.

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ClimateMaster Breaks the 40 EER Barrier

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HARDI, HVACR Industry Mourns the Passing of Karl Larson

It is with deep regret that HARDI announces the passing of Karl Gustave Adrian Larson, 80 years old, of Aspen, Colorado on March 4, 2012 in Palm Springs, California.

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