Getting Over A Slump

Aug. 20, 2013
I have often said that the secret to having a pipeline full of leads for your business is to figure out how much marketing you need to get the number of leads you want - and then do double that.
Do much more than you think is required to reverse your slump.
That way, the odds of finding something that works are geometrically increased. 
I have often said that the secret to having a pipeline full of leads for your business is to figure out how much marketing you need to get the number of leads you want - and then do double that.
Years ago, I interviewed Jane Trahey, a successful advertising executive in Chicago, for a career book I was writing.
She told me the secret to her success was having many balls in the air at once, which increased the chances that at least one would stick.
The natural tendency of human beings faced with difficulty and adversity is to shut down - to retreat and nurse their wounds. 
The stereotype of this is the young woman who sits on the couch eating a large container of fudge ripple ice cream.
You must resist this temptation to give up and instead do the opposite - leap into action at full speed and full steam.
Be sure to follow my 3-step formula which requires you to (1) find out what does and does not work, (2) stop doing what doesn't work, and (3) do much more of what does work.
Remember the old maxim: Insanity is doing things in the same way and expecting different results.
It is also doing nothing.
By the way, worrying about the slump you are in is human nature, but it is also a complete waste of time. 
So stop worrying about your slump. And start doing something about it.
Bob Bly
P.S. Do not despair if your results from using this 3-step formula are not immediate. Often it takes a few weeks or even a couple of months before you start seeing a return on your investment. 
Bob Bly
Copywriter / Consultant
590 Delcina Drive
River Vale, NJ 07675
Phone 201-505-9451
Fax 201-573-4094