
How to Get a Flood Of Amazing Customers to Your Distribution Business

April 27, 2017
Step No. 1: It’s not about volume, it’s about quality Step No. 2: Create a marketing avatar Step No. 3: Think about how you can reach more of the best Step No. 4: Ask for referrals

Image: iStock/ThinkStock

Every business is built on customers, so you’d think that the question every business should be asking is: “How can we get more customers to buy from us?” However, if you’ve been in business for more than a week, you know that customers are created differently. It’s not just about getting more customers, right? Some are a great fit for you while others aren’t. 

Therefore, the question every successful business should be asking is: “How can we get more of the very best customers to buy from us?” That question is a game-changer, and the answer to that question can unlock greater wealth, freedom and market domination in your business.

Here’s how to find the answer, so you can attract more of your very best customers to your business and rapidly accelerate your business’ growth.

Step No. 1: It’s not about volume, it’s about quality

When most businesses think about bringing in more customers, they think about volume — just driving up the number of customers calling to place orders. But the most successful businesses look for ways to increase the quality of the customer.

So, the first step is to change your thinking and realize that less can be more. It’s possible to have fewer customers and make more money from them. As an added bonus, you will have more time to serve those customers better, which keeps them around longer.

Step No. 2: Create a marketing avatar

An avatar is a term used by marketers to describe one person who represents a whole group of people. Think about your best customers — the top 20 percent of HVACR customers who buy from you right now. Write down their qualities, characteristics and attributes:

  • How many people do they employ?
  • How much money do they make?
  • Where do they work?
  • Who are their customers?
  • What’s their market share?
  • How long have they been in business?
  • How much do they buy from you?
  • How often do they buy from you?
  • What additional needs do they have that you can solve for them?

These questions will give you a good start to identify who your best customers are and what they look like, on average.

Write out a description of their qualities, characteristics and attributes as if they were one company. That’s your avatar. It’s a picture of your ideal customer based on who your best customers are right now.

Step No. 3: Think about how you can reach more of the best

Now it’s time to think about how you can reach more customers who look like your avatar.

First, consider where they are right now. Perhaps you notice that all of your best customers belong to a certain industry group or read a certain industry magazine. Make sure you are connecting in those places with advertising, sponsorship, vendor agreements, and networking events.  

Secondly, consider what your avatar needs and deliver more of that. For example, if your best customers are all at a certain size and trying to grow to a larger size, help them. Consider creating resources like webinars, a podcast, a report or a blog that helps them figure out how to grow.

You can bring in other experts to help you, or you can participate in other experts’ webinars and podcasts, and of course, you should always draw the connection back to how your HVACR distribution company is a part of the plan for your customers to grow. You’ll align yourself with experts plus position yourself as a resource for growth.

Step No. 4: Ask for referrals

Always ask your best customers for referrals to companies that are just like them. Chances are, they know other companies that can be served by you. Host networking events and private invitational events where your best customers can bring a guest for free food and a small presentation about how you can help them.


Your HVACR distribution business depends on customers. And if you want to grow your business, the best strategy is to figure out who your very best customers are and find ways to serve more of them more effectively. Use these four steps to help you identify and serve more of your best customers to create more wealth, freedom and marketing domination for your HVACR distribution company.

Mike Agugliaro is the “Business Warrior” and founder of CEO Warrior, a business consulting and mentoring firm, providing tested and proven methods to defeat the roadblocks that prevent small to mid-sized businesses from achieving their ultimate success. He has played a key role in building Gold Medal Services’ success, as co-owner of the company. For more information about CEO Warrior, visit