Greenheck's Newest Damper Maintains Constant Minimum Ventilation Rate
April 25, 2022
SCHOFIELD, Wisconsin (April 25, 2022) – The ABD-Z2 is the latest addition to Greenheck’s line of automatic balancing dampers that provide precise airflow regulation for energy efficient indoor air quality.
The ABD-Z2 is an integrated automatic balancing damper (ABD) with an adjustable set point controlled by an electric actuator (24V or 120V). The unit cantoggle between two pressure independent CFM setpoints; the low-flow setpoint maintains a constant minimum ventilation rate, while the high-flow setpoint provides boosted on-demand ventilation. The ABD-Z2 helps achieve the requirements of ASHRAE 62.2 for acceptable indoor air quality and is ideal for use in apartments and condominiums, education buildings and dormitories, hospitals and clinics, hotels and motels, and nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Additional information HERE.