Safety Considerations for the A2L Refrigerant Transition
ACCA "Codes and Coffee" Explores Propane and HVACR
Copeland Provides A2L Learning Resources
Old advertising: it makes you wonder how we ever got beyond those days of black and white ads and simple artwork. But you must admit, there was something special about the simplicity of those days.
It also makes you wonder about the products that were developed at the HVACR industry's beginnings. We know efficiency was not where it is today, but you still can marvel at ingenuity and innovation in every decade, for a variety of applications.
As we celebrate our 70th Anniversary in 2014, CB wanted to provide a look back at HVACR advertising in the waning days of World War II. These ads are from 1945, our second year of publishing.
Here's our first in a series of vintage ads that will take you through HVACR's history as seen in the pages of what started out as The Refrigeration Industry when our primary topic was commercial refrigeration.
Sorry that you have to zoom in on these. These are as large as we can make them in a gallery format.
Let me know if you would like a full-size PDF of any of these ads! [email protected]