
Notable Tweets in HVACR for May 16, 2014

May 16, 2014
Interesting and helpful tweets we've seen as we start our day. Visit the various live links for more info.

The HVACR world is always a-Twitter. Here's a look at some of the interesting and helpful tweets we've seen as we start our day. Visit the various live links for more info.

Matt Michel of Service Roundtable offers a link to a short story about shopping for soccer gloves, that provides a good lesson in branding.

Kim Bliss, technical writer for Uponor, offers congratulations to Toll Brothers Builders, for winning Builder of the Year award from Builder Magazine.

Mitsubishi displays a great photo of its new H2i ductless rooftop system for commercial HVAC applications.

Thermostat Recycling Corporation is seeking its next "Big Man on the Planet," for HARDI members who take the lead in mercury thermostat recycling.

Unfortunately, NAHB finds continued apathy among home builders regarding industry growth. Factors include labor problems, mortgage rates, land, appraisals, and access to credit. We've got to get this home market back!
AND FOR A CLOSING FRIDAY FUNNY, spelling continues to provide challenges...