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Jarboes Provides HVAC System to Local Teacher
In late August, the Rees Scholarship Committee announced $44,500 in scholarships to 26 students, including one veteran, studying to become technicians in the HVACR and water heating industry. The Rees Scholarship Foundation is pleased to help these hardworking and dedicated students as they begin their educational journey in the industry.
Since the Rees Scholarship Foundation was founded in 2003, it has awarded more than $380,000 in scholarships to more than 200 deserving students and instructors.
The Clifford H. “Ted” Rees, Jr. Scholarship Foundation was established to assist with the recruitment and competency of future heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration (HVACR) technicians by awarding scholarships to qualified students who are enrolled in an institutionally accredited school.
The scholarship recipients are:
Fall 2015
Aaron Villasenor, San Joaquin Valley College
Adrian Prieto, Brownson Technical School
Andrew Kappelmeier, Pennsylvania College of Technology
Andrew Oak, Alfred State College
Andrew Woodley, Moore Tech
Brahim Khoufaify, Lincoln Tech
Brent J Pawling, Southeast Community College
Brian Pierce, Brownson Technical School
Bryce Crowley, Pennsylvania College of Technology
Cody Woods, Bevill State Community College
Daniel Jahnsen, State Technical College
Dean A Clark, Midwest Technical Institute
Foday Amadu Konneh, Georgia Piedmont Community
Mohammad Ebrahim, Brownson Technical College
Nicholas Smith, Centura College
Ollie Ervin, El Camino Community College
Patricia Wanless, Midwest Technical Institute
Raymond C Anderson, Midwest Technical Institute
Robert C Mory, Centura Institute
Robert C Selinger, Midwest Technical Institute
Ryan Price, Bevill State Community College
Steven Hart, Bevill State Community College
Titus Sharpe, Seward County Community College
Tyra K Hunt, Tulsa Tech
Victor Linares, Brownson Technical School
Anthony Solomon, Scott Community College
Spring 2015
Robert Colburn, Bevill State Community College
Robert Haggard, Blackhawk Tech
Brandon Harris, Bevill State Community College
Cameron Harris, Bevill State Community College
Kenneth Humber, Bevill State Community College
William McDonald, Bevill State Community College
Ryan Pullam, Ranken Technical College
Landon Short, Bevill State Community College
Micah Woodward, Bevill State Community College
Evelyn Zavala, Montgomery College.
To date, the fund is about $4,400 short of its 2015 goal of $120,000. Visit for information on making a donation to the AHRI Rees Scholarship Foundation.