Going digital is no longer the wave of the future. The future is now. Dispatching, invoicing, quoting, inventory, bookkeeping, and payroll can all be done on your mobile phone or tablet, and more and more HVAC contractors are getting onboard.
Even though it's becoming the norm, we're still in the beginning stages. The purpose of these mobile software programs is to make your company more efficient, and therefore, more profitable. Currently, the "more efficient" issue is still questionable. Certain platforms actually require contractors to hire additional staff just to run them and require weeks of training, and months to integrate and get used to.
My "pet peeve"
Something that's always kind of bugged me is that almost every new thing they invent in HVAC, from sniffers and other tools, to digital platforms, are all sold as a "sales aid." Why does everything have to be a sales aid?
All the mobile platforms themselves are sales aids. My observation has been that introducing a new mobile app can possibly increase the sales figures of technicians with the lowest sales, but its restrictions can hinder technicians with the higher sales figures. Good salespeople need flexibility in how they present their recommendations and put custom packages together for customers, but that does require enough expertise with the program to invent "work arounds".
To be clear, I'm not opposed to digitalizing your service calls. Once everyone becomes familiar enough with the app in question, it can streamline your business. I just don't think they're sales aids.
On a more positive note, the apps help technicians who have bad penmanship and make a lot of mathematical errors
My experience:
I made a career out of writing up my recommendations to service and replacement customers on a blank sheet of lined paper using a format I call the "Paper Towel Close" (PTC).
Some digital developers have contacted me, to show me their new software, which they say creates my PTC. I have yet to see that actually happen. All they do is generate a list. It's not even close.
I trained a local company that has a national reputation for excellence in every regard. They went with a mobile app and started using it to quote service calls. Their sales plummeted.
They called me back in for a number of training sessions to re-train everyone on the PTC and their sales went back up to where they belong.
This as an experience I've had with one company, but I've had it with others as well. I've spoken to a number of other HVAC sales trainers and they've had the same results.
You may like the app because you're used to it and your device, but do you really like looking at anything on someone else's digital device? I don't. I still believe that people want to be able to see what they're buying on a large, easy to read, simple piece of paper.
"Well, what about Millennials? They love apps!" Sure they do ... their own. Most of my friends are Millennials, and they tend to be just like everyone else. They're not crazy about looking at a bunch of numbers on a small device in a format they've never seen before.
Don't base your marketing and business model on Millennials. They don't have any money. You know who has money? Senior citizens, that's who, and they're not crazy about apps or digital devices. They still read magazines, newspapers and books.
One of the challenges I've seen with all digital platforms, from blower door testing to digital apps for running service is that, when using them in front of a customer, it requires the complete concentration of the part of the salesperson or service technician and creates a total disconnect with the interaction with the customer.
After consulting with the customer, if the list of recommendations has to be modified at all, the customer is stuck there twiddling their thumbs while the employee fools with the app.
My recommendations:
When considering a new digital platform, talk to as many contractors who are already using it as possible.
Before going live with a new digital platform, select a group of employees to use it and provide feedback on their experience.
In closing, I see the benefits to digitalizing your company and going mobile; I just don't see them as "sales aids" and don't let anyone take it into the field until they are completely familiar with it.
CHARLIE GREER was voted "Favorite Industry Sales Trainer," "HVAC Consultant of the Year," and is a member of the Contracting Business Hall of Fame. For info on Charlie's products or services, call 1-800-963-HVAC (4822) or go to www.hvacprofitboosters.com. Email you questions or comments to [email protected].