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Gas Pipe Fittings

Quiz: Gas Pipe Sizing

Oct. 11, 2023

Interplay Learning Wins 2020 AHR Expo Award in Software Category

Oct. 30, 2019
Interplay Learning Wins 2020 AHR Expo Award Software Category

Interplay Learning, a leading provider of online training for skilled trades utilizing virtual reality (VR) and 3D simulations, has won a 2020 AHR Exposition Innovation Award in the software category for its innovative SkillMill™ Skilled Trades Course Catalog. Winners were selected by a panel of third-party ASHRAE member judges.

Sources report Interplay Learning’s winning solution is the world’s first online learning experience platform offering a catalog of on-demand, video-based and first-hand, VR-enabled training solutions for HVAC and other skilled trades. Its proprietary software, VOLT™, creates a wider variety of real-world scenarios and situations more economically in just a few weeks, not months or years. This makes training more scalable, effective and affordable for businesses while providing the opportunity for faster career advancement for users.