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Among the proceedings was a fivemember contractor panel discussion directed by NCI CEO Dominick Guarino fielding questions from the audience on the difficulties success and roadblocks to implementing Home and HVAC Performance into their companies

National Comfort Institute Hosts Another Successful Summit

June 9, 2017
“I can’t tell you how rewarding it is to be part of an organization that gives back to my organization tenfold. We plan to continue implementing the field techniques we just learned,” said Mike Greany, All Pro Plumbing, Heating and Air, Ontario, Canada.

The 2017 NCI (National Comfort Institute, Inc.) Home and HVAC Performance Summit hosted more than 150 contractor attendees April 2-4 in Scottsdale, Ariz.

This year’s theme focused on creating a “Blueprint for Success,” as attendees learned how testing, selling, and delivering air upgrades for residential and commercial HVAC systems can be the “Secret Weapon” to their success in 2017 and beyond.
This year’s Summit featured six game changing workshops designed to add in-depth expertise to help contractors make Air Upgrades a part of their product and service offering.

Sessions included:
•    How to Build and Sustain a Culture of Testing
•    Turn Static Pressure Testing into Cash
•    Air Upgrades: Your Secret Weapon
•    Price and Propose Profitable Air Upgrades
•    How to Install Air Upgrades
•    Generate Leads Year Round.

“I’ve gone through a lot of technical training from many sources over the years,” said Will Horner of Canco ClimateCare, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada. “What distinguishes NCI from others is that the dynamic between the trainers and the contractors — it is one of camaraderie and experience sharing. That dynamic leads to more light bulbs going off for me than I get from any other training groups.”

“I can’t tell you how rewarding it is to be part of an organization that gives back to my organization tenfold. We plan to continue implementing the field techniques we just learned,” said Mike Greany, All Pro Plumbing, Heating and Air, Ontario, Canada.

Among the proceedings was a five-member contractor panel discussion directed by NCI CEO Dominick Guarino, fielding questions from the audience on the difficulties, success, and roadblocks to implementing Home and HVAC Performance into their companies. The Q&A event was made even more lively as contractors tossed the microphone back and forth as they asked questions of the panelists, sharing tips and advice. Panelists were John Boylan, Lakeside Service Co.; Charlie Dieringer, Air Force One Heating & Air; Mike Greany, All Pro Plumbing, Heating & Air; Will Horner, CANCO ClimateCare; Don Steward, W.B. Steward & Son.

For an earlier report on this conference, visit

Find more information at The 2018 NCI Summit will be held in Austin, Tex., in March.