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EGIA 'Cracking the Code' Show: How to Achieve Growth Through Change

June 13, 2019
You must embrace change in order to succeed and grow, says Weldon Long. Also, more from Gary Elekes on CSR training.

If you're not changing, you're not growing.

In part three of a continuing summer series, learn how to embrace change in order to succeed. Gary Elekes concludes his customer experience CSR training and Weldon Long teaches you how to convert undecided leads into customers with a value-based approach.

Watch this week's episode now at before it enters the members-only archive on June 21.

About the Author

Weldon Long | New York Times Best Selling Author & Creator of the HVAC Sales Academy

Weldon Long is a successful entrepreneur, sales expert, EGIA Contractor University faculty member, and author of the New York Times bestseller, The Power of Consistency:Prosperity Mindset Training for Sales and Business Professionals (Wiley). In 2009, his HVAC company was selected by Inc. Magazine as one of America’s fastest growing privately held companies.