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Contractor University’s Cracking the Code Show: How to Use ChatGPT in Your HVAC Business

April 5, 2024
This has become a common question among HVAC business owners. Weldon Long, James Leichter and Gary Elekes provide some answers.

The new productivity tool of the future is here — and it’s free!

AI can write marketing emails, analyze trends in your business and more, but only if you know the best ways to implement it into your company’s workflow.

This week on Cracking the Code, Weldon Long sets the stage and James Leichter and Gary Elekes log in to ChatGPT to demonstrate how to prompt it for success. Then, they take you step-by-step through building a marketing campaign with ChatGPT in under 30 minutes.

All that and more on the latest episode of Cracking the Code! Watch, free for everyone, through April 11th at


About the Author

Weldon Long | New York Times Best Selling Author & Creator of the HVAC Sales Academy

Weldon Long is a successful entrepreneur, sales expert, EGIA Contractor University faculty member, and author of the New York Times bestseller, The Power of Consistency:Prosperity Mindset Training for Sales and Business Professionals (Wiley). In 2009, his HVAC company was selected by Inc. Magazine as one of America’s fastest growing privately held companies.

About the Author

Gary Elekes | President

Gary Elekes is the president of EPC Training, co-founder of iMarket Solutions, an HVAC and plumbing contractor, and a recognized expert in lead generation and contracting with more than 30 years of experience in the trades. He is also a founding faculty member of EGIA Contractor University, which provides contractors with the training, tools and resources to build the business and life of their dreams.
For additional information, visit

About the Author

James Leichter | President CEO Aptora Corp.

James Leichter is a longtime HVAC contractor, consultant, and public speaker. He is president and CEO of Aptora Corporation, a maker of contracting business management software.

Leichter is the editor of and a founding faculty member of EGIA Contractor University (